Thursday 5 June 2014

The Maniacal Month of May

Just a little social paradigm update for you all. I am behind on a couple of updates of events that happened in May, purely for the fact that May is a really busy month for me & I've had very little time actually to myself. 

First of all it was mine & one of my housemates 21st Birthday's in the middle of the month. This involved a few days of alcohol & social gatherings which was topped off by an amazing night out in town in fancy dress. It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time, check out some of the pictures below (I'm Captain America =D). Its great to be reminded sometimes of the people that are around you, especially during some especially rough waters.

The Whole group

The Newington House 2013/2014

Look Casual
The insane bunch that have helped keep me insane over the last 3 years

As you can see, dog wasn't too impressed either...

Second of all it was my moms & my brothers birthdays the week after, so that too was filled with merry endeavours. This is on top of planning for Africa which looms ever closer day by day. To cap it off though I had another busy weekend working in the garden at home and dealing with my dog who had been unceremoniously jumped and bitten by a Labrador whilst out on her morning walk, just to add a bit of drama to the proceedings. Luckily, only one canine managed to pierce the skin before her lighting quick reactions took over and got her out of the danger, leaving her with a nice little puncture wound.

That's about it really. Now were in June, things can settle down a bit, I didn't even get a chance to go up to the Falconry Centre, which is unusual. But business is resumed. 

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