Tuesday 10 June 2014

Milestone - 2000 pageviews!

I have finally reached the milestone of 2000 pageviews!!

A huge thankyou to all of you who visit and check out my updates. I may not seem like a lot but in under a year there is something humbling about knowing that 2000 people have checked out my ramblings. Setting up this blog was a step that took me right out of my comfort zone, having always being quite a private person, so again, thank you all. It means a lot. 

Onwards and upwards with the blog though, I have many more updates coming, including my huge trip to Africa in just over 2 weeks! Animal of the Week should be back up and running as planned post-Africa as well. I also have a plan for an animal related YouTube series next spring/summer which will be part conducted through the blog, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Any other suggestions for features that could be included on the blog in future are also appreciated, just leave suggestions in a comment and I'll see what I can do.

As for the 2 updates mentioned in my last post, they are coming, apologies for the lateness, but contrary to my belief June has not calmed down yet, they are coming though I promise.


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