Friday 11 October 2013

This is how it goes

This is going to be a small update, I am close to completing my initial project plan which is to be handed in very soon. In terms of gathering research I hit a bit of a snag this weekend. I came home so that I could go and collect more data from a local falconry center, but it appears as if mother nature had other plans. Rain completely halted my plans. Damn variables win this round. Its especially irritating due to the time constraints I'm under for the project, but I will carry on, I'll just have to keep my eye on the weather for the upcoming weeks and find an opportune time to run in with my camera in tow! This is how it goes though, nothing you can do but go with the flow.

Its not all doom and gloom though, I have had my fellowship confirmed for London Zoo as well as having my research approved so hopefully I will be down there this Thursday to Saturday collecting data. I am so excited to head down there. I have never been to London Zoo before so that will be a photography extravaganza all on its own. This is going to be a great experience  and it'll be another achievement ticked off the list.

Besides the university work this week has ended with another feather in its cap. After deliberation an arrangement has been made which will allow me to go on a trip with the university to Africa next June! This is seriously a once in a lifetime opportunity and there is no way I was going to throw it away. The specifics are not fully known yet but it will involve plenty of hands on work with regards to animal conservation. However, nothing is black and white (unless your looking at a chess board, but that's a different tangent all together); it will mean I need to do a serious amount of fundraising . I am getting plans in motion for that and I'll post more as I create more. All the stops are coming out for this, I'm even going to get myself on a health & exercise regime so I am physically fit for the trip.

I would also like to add a huge congratulations to Chester Zoo who have just had some superb breeding success. They are heralding the hatching of 3 Grey-breasted parakeets, the rarest Psittacine species in the world. There are only 250 of these birds left in existence so this is a significant achievement. I wish them all the best and nothing but success with these 3 chicks.

Grey-breasted parakeet - copyright Chester Zoo


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