Africa Study Tour
3: Transmission Home
Day 8: The Secretary
As I woke from my slumber this morning I realised that the time of comfort was about to end. From this point on, there would be no 4-star accommodation, from now on it would be tents. Today though was unfortunately going to be a long, rather dull day compared to what we had been used to, as we embarked on the 600km drive to Somkhanda Game Reserve. We were originally going to drive through Swaziland but a last minute change of route meant we were now going to go around it. Either way, this was going to be an 8-9 hour drive. We were given a little task to do today though as we drove, a little something to keep us occupied I think. We were asked to write about our best sighting or experience from the game drives in Kruger, which for me was an easy choice I guess. The Martial eagle pretty much sealed it. We were also asked to finalise our mammal and bird lists of sightings, which was the information that would be passed onto the kruger officials.
We set off for the drive at 8am, so a bit of a lie in compared to what we were used to. As soon as we were on the bus and driving I pretty much inserted my headphones and began to nap. I am usually a fan of long journeys but this time, I was sapped of all energy. Probably didn’t help that I hadn’t eaten much at breakfast (little did I know that the reasons behind my lack of energy was from something rather more microscopic). No matter how tedious the drive seemed though there was definitely some amazing scenery to take in. I think we drove though pretty much everything, from urbanised towns to shanty towns, open Savannah, farmland, banana fields, logged forest, un-logged forest and beautiful mountain regions. This country is truly breath-taking, as if I needed reminding.
By this point I had lost all hope of seeing a secretary bird, I had been told that they weren’t usually found this far south. Which inside had annoyed me a little, as it was one of the birds I really wanted to see to mark off the big 5 raptor list. It was early afternoon though when once more, luck was apparently on my side. Out of nowhere sitting atop of a solitary tree in the middle of a field Chase spotted a secretary bird! I immediately looked out the window to see it sitting there in all its glory. What were the odds of actually seeing one of these fantastic birds? I had no idea but I was speechless. As I look back on that chance encounter the quote Marc told us on that first night was beginning to ring true.
“Experience is what you get, when you didn’t get what you were expecting”
This trip had given us everything & I had given myself to the experience. What else could possibly be in store for us now, according to me at this point, absolutely anything! We stopped off in a town called Pongola soon afterwards, another little pit stop to make sure we were all still alive. After seeing some street dancers briefly, it was onwards for the final push to the reserve. We finally arrived at around 6pm and quickly got settled into our tents, after being escorted by some very merc looking individuals carrying guns, which were situated in the middle of a forested section. They were rather nice actually. We then had dinner and as usual and played the night away with our trusty deck of cards before another 7am start in the morning.
I was already warming to this reserve, unlike a national park, Somkhanda is funded and supported by the local community and as it stands is a community reserve, so we were definitely in for a much different experience then we had in Kruger or Moholoholo. It is also a fairly new reserve so hearing their plans over the next 5-10 years was fascinating.
Day 9: The Panthera Illusion
We were up for 7 the next morning, although compared to our ‘stunning’ British weather it was still lovely, there was a distinct chill in the air, one that hadn’t previously been felt whilst on the trip. Chase & Marc predicted it, a cold front was coming. Anyway, after a spot of breakfast we found out that we would be partaking in leopard surveying.
The surveying was of great importance to the reserve. They had a healthy population of leopard which needed to be monitored to aid the amazing work being done by PANTHERA ( to conserve the world’s big cats. Alongside helping PANTHERA, the surveying itself offer valuable information to the reserve itself as to how many leopards could be around the area, sex of the cats and which areas they frequent. However, none of the leopard in the reserve are collared, they are monitored and surveyed through the use of camera trapping. On a wide scale, camera trapping is non-invasive and can cover vast areas of a reserve. Somkhanda though is, at the moment a new reserve, so funding is limited in places, especially considering how expensive equipment like camera traps are, this meant that we only had 4 or 5 traps at our disposal.
None the less we set out into the reserve to go retrieve data from the traps that had already been set out the day before. The plan was to go to each individual trap, take out & replace the memory card, then check that all of the traps settings were correct so that it could continue to get data for the following day. Settings involved obvious things like date & time, the distance of the motion sensor, pictures or video etc. The time spent in between arriving at each trap was used as a general game drive, to get to know the area. Almost immediately we were treated to another new bird species, the grey hornbill, a relative of the yellow and red billed hornbill that had been numerous on our journey so far. However, the grey hornbill is slightly larger, more vocal and gregarious than its relatives. For these reasons, which could lead to out competing, there had never been recorded sightings of yellows or reds this far south. Despite this it was the black-eyed bulbul and fork-tailed drongo that seemed to be the most common sightings. These little birds could be heard and seen at every turn, not that I was complaining. Fabulous birds, especially the drongo. Drongo’s are well renowned for being highly defensive birds, for a little creature they have a fierce attitude and do not allow themselves to be bullied by anything, including large birds of prey such as eagles. They have been known to mob and harass birds much larger than themselves to protect their territory, thus are largely left alone.

The purple crested turaco |
The group on their bush walk |
We made our way back to the lodge for some lunch before the day’s activities resumed, the shock came after we had eaten though, we were given ‘free time’. That was odd, I had forgotten what one does with such time since being out here, so as always we resorted to a game of cards. Couldn’t argue with that. During this time the mysterious bird that was seen turned out to be a black sparrowhawk. I also found out that there are indeed crowned eagle nesting somewhere in the reserve. Superb news, the last bird of prey on the ‘big raptor 5’. The only task now was, when/how would I get eyes on such a creature?
That afternoon we continued with the leopard monitoring. For this, we simply inserted the memory cards into a laptop and browsed away. Although we got some cool pictures of a group of large cane rat, aardvark, genet and some antelope species it would seem leopard luck was not with us today as there were no pictures of the glorious cats. It was a shame, but I guess it was a little too optimistic of us to have thought we would instantly get leopards again, but this was just the continued hype from Kruger. Instead, so that we could get a good idea of the process, we all looked through previous images of leopards that had been collected by the camera traps around the reserve. The task now was to use the leopard’s rosettes to identify them, see which leopards are the same, and which are not. Trying to identify individuals is actually a lot more difficult than it looks, although we were given tips on how to make it easier. Instead of just looking at the body, where it’s easy to get lost in a sea of rosettes, we were told to look more at the rear of the body, around the rump and tail, the legs and neck/head to pick out small distinguishing features, making it easier on the eyes. However, I did gain a new respect for anyone that has to do this sort of identification, on any animal, it is tasking and difficult, even with about 9 of us sat around looking at the same picture.
Somkhanda Game Reserve |
After another late afternoon game drive we decided to head back and relax for the night. We had nothing in particular to do so most people just sat around the fire and nattered amongst themselves. After discovering a bark scorpion next to the fire (cool little arachnid) I fancied some time alone. I went up and sat by the lodge, whilst writing and listening to music. As good as the company was its good to have a little time to yourself, allows you to get some clarity and have some time to think. I decided to call it a night at about half 9, just as the rain started… this was going to be fun, rain… in the dry season. I thought I’d see what the morning brings, but as I lay there in my sleeping bag, the rain tapping away on the tent around us, I felt a churning in my stomach. ‘Damn’ I thought, as the sickness set in…
“ohh ah ah ah ah”
Day 10: The Valley
Safe to say I didn’t sleep much last night, the bug coupled with the fact that the rain overnight exposed a hull breach in our tent leaving it slightly flooded resulted in a Matt that was pretty grouchy. Come time for breakfast I was moody as could be, only managing to get some juice into myself as the cold front continued to make its way over us, leading to a grey, cloudy and rainy morning across the reserve. Still, I was here for the full experience and was determined not to let the bug to get the best of me, especially seeing as today we were going out on a bush walk, covering a good 5-7km of the reserve. I always enjoyed bush walks, the skills learned on such expeditions are ones that can be used and advanced over and over again, not forgetting that knowing what is actually present in a reserve is very important along with the fact that clues, tracks etc that can be found on such walks can offer valuable information on the movements of animals and the dynamics between certain species across the habitat. What’s not to love about being able to ‘de-code’ the woven fabric of the reserve? I personally find it fascinating.
As we left the rhino in peace the walk was coming to an end much quicker then I would have liked; in the meantime we had spotted some hoopoe and green wood hoopoe along with a stunning black-headed oriole. Chase was also trying to increase our knowledge and interest in the flora of the reserve. This was met with moderate success, there are certainly some interesting plant and tree life out here, such as a cactus that has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of British soldiers during the fighting with the Zulu tribes and plants, whose stems can be made into a toothbrush, but I still find it difficult to make that special connection with flora.

We had lunch (well I didn’t, the infection was going strong) before heading out for a bit of rifle shooting. I can tell you now, this was a lot of fun. Although we were only using pellet guns, the ability to shoot is an important one for rangers to learn. After all you are dealing with wild animals and no matter how experienced or careful you are, things can/will go wrong at some point and at those times as harsh and absolute as it is, you have to be able to defend yourself, with lethal force if necessary. We made the activity into a bit of a competition though, naturally. We had a target, a gun and enough people for two teams, in particular boy’s vs girls. I don’t actually remember who really won that round but after a bit of cheesy banter I’m going to say that the boys won, for prides sake. Next was a test in our accuracy, this time, the target was a bullet casing placed on top of one of the targets. I missed by a hairs width but then again I’m ill so my aim was bound to be off…
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The shooting squad! |
Today was a lesson in the most important personal skills required for game reserve management. Even if you are to help with conservation programs it is vital that you can identify and understand the fragile relationship between every aspect of the habitat you are entering. How the animal’s co-habitat, & what is their ecological niche? What are the patterns of their movements? Which plants are present and which ones are ideal for which species? Are there any symbiotic relationships at play? These are but a few of the questions that need to at least be considered when managing an area or attempting to reintroduce a species. You cannot help unless you understand.
However, the night was drawing on and it was time to sleep. The final masquerade was upon us, one last day to help and to understand. I couldn’t believe this time was already upon us but at least tomorrow it was time for the big guns, rhino tracking and conservation. We had a close encounter today but I know we can get something better than that tomorrow, this amazing place has never let me down.
Day 11: The Renosters Mark
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On the trail |
There is so much I would love to write about the monitoring itself, like their methods and routine but this is a time where a lesson in subtlety is paramount. As much as I would love to tell you all, the fact is that if I laid out their operation to you it could open the gates to those who wish these creatures harm. Even if one person by pure chance reads this and is affiliated with poachers somehow, they would know every single detail of the reserves protocols. This is something that cannot be allowed to happen due to the slip of a tongue or the over excitement of a post-graduate student with a love for this area, as the rhino’s position at the moment is on a razors edge, so forgive me for having to be fairly careful and not overly detailed with regards to some information. For example, 200 rhino every year are poached in Kruger alone and the park has even recently made a move to remove some of the population and relocate them to a safe area.

Due to the delay it seemed too soon to head back to the lodge for dinner but we went and made the most of the glorious weather whilst we could. I saw a couple of bataleur eagle soaring in the sky when out of nowhere Vicky pointed something else out in the sky, this was no bataleur, too big. Whatever it was, it was flying close, I got a really good view of it circling. I couldn’t believe my eyes through the binoculars, the plumage was perfect, but surely it couldn’t be, but the evidence was right in front of me. The bird swooped down from its high vantage into the trees and disappeared from view. I ran to go get my bird id book, I couldn’t believe it when I turned to the page, everything I had seen was spot on. I was and still am 99% certain that the magnificent bird I saw was a crowned eagle, it had to be, and it was so vastly different from anything else that was in the area. A raptor a day makes me a happy chap.
The afternoon started with a small talk from the anti-poaching squad. They gave us a neat live firing demo (the child inside of me was screaming, hell yes!) before talking to us about their job. Up until a few years ago the response to finding poachers was a ‘shoot to kill policy’. One that whilst alleviating the immediate effects did little to curb poaching in the long run. Now they work an angle that is surprisingly but logically more compassionate. In order to stop the poaching, you need to not only cut the head off the snake (figuratively of course, as actually doing so would be… well, poaching) but you need to have an understanding of the underlying economic situations. After all they do it, not out of joy but out of necessity to feed themselves and their family and poaching is what puts that food in their mouths. When you capture someone who for instance has killed some mongoose in a reserve you realise just how desperate and hungry that person must be to have to resort to such things. It adds an interesting angle onto the issue; poaching has a lot of sides and motivations and only through combating these underlying issues can the overarching crime be rooted out and destroyed. It really took me back to the conversations we had about trophy hunting back at Moholoholo and to a quote from a song that I’d been listening to a lot since being out in Africa.
“When the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die”
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Getting up close with rhino |
Day 12: Let the Music Play
As the journey progressed though there was only one thing to do, let the music play. Theresnothing that could be done about leaving so why not make the most of the time we did have sat on a bus. The iPod speaker came out and the classic songs came bursting through, everything from Stacy’s Mom to Chop Suey. That is how we roll.
However, before we knew it we had gone through customs, stuffed our bags full of duty free delights and were on the plane ready for the 9 and a half hour flight back home. The masquerade was over and it was time to leave the magic behind and return to reality.However, I made sure that the music was still playing all the way back. Although I did have a window seat this time, so cue the incredible views as we travelled over the Congo and Sahara at night and crossed Milan at dawn.
When we finally landed back in England that’s when it hit. Tiredness played a role but there was a sweeping depression that flooded over, it was hard not to feel a little down after seeing all those wanders and then to be greeted by wood pigeon. All was not bad though as when we entered the main terminal lobby one of my friends, Gemma, was met by her boyfriend who at that moment became her fiance. Talk about a lovely moment! We arrived back at Moulton College and hung around waiting for lifts. Me and Jaz were waiting for Kathryn who ended up being my favourite person when she arrived, embracing a warm flask of beautiful Starbucks hot chocolate. That made being back in England all the little bit nicer.
That is the end of my adventure though. I went home, continued with life, which is the position in which I am writing this now. I can't end this post without saying thankyou though. I owe this experience to so many people & I have enjoyed being able to share it with you all here on my blog, all that I hope is that you enjoyed reading and following my adventure.
That is the end of my adventure though. I went home, continued with life, which is the position in which I am writing this now. I can't end this post without saying thankyou though. I owe this experience to so many people & I have enjoyed being able to share it with you all here on my blog, all that I hope is that you enjoyed reading and following my adventure.
- First of all, I want to thank Sarah & Steve along with Moulton College for providing me with this opportunity to embark on the study tour, I would never have dreamed of going out and doing a study tour like this before doing my degree. Hell I wasn't even going to go to uni at one stage!
- I also want to thank African Insight, who ran the study tour, you offer such amazing experiences to people like me and the skills and memories I have gained are some that will stay with me forever and may even shape my future career.
- A monumental thanks is also given to our guides Chase & Marc who were brilliant and so welcoming in every aspect, it was a sincere pleasure to have met you both and I hope to see you again at some point in the future.
- I’d also like to thank all the staff, rangers, wardens etc at all of the places we stayed and visited including those at Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre and Reserve, Kruger national Park and Somkhanda Game Reserve. The good work you all do will ensure the survival of so many species and that is a remarkable legacy you all have.
- I would like to give a final thanks to all my friends and family who supported me during fundraising, those who bought my prints, helped kit me up and showed interest, especially Cotswold Falconry Centre.
The impact of this trip on me has been amazing, it has altered so many of my views and perceptions & has given me a yearning to follow up new avenues in my future.
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