The Dissertation is done.

have reached a rather split personality about finishing the
dissertation, on one hand I am glad its done, the relinquishment of
stress felt good & I am proud that I actually finished it, as there
was a little period at the beginning of this year where I was seriously
doubting everything including the project, but I bucked up and got it
done. However, this is where the split mind comes into play. Since
handing it in I have not been as ecstatic as I should have been, in an
odd way I'm missing the stress, I'm missing the having to actually wake
up and be out and active because I have this piece of work to do. Its an
odd sensation. I think its because I'm not used to not having the
pressure since being at uni, its become a state of mind. Hopefully it'll
all change once I head back to help out at the falconry centre during
the holidays, along with actually nailing a job back home. I do have a
bit of revision to do over the holidays as well, I have to finish off my
behavioural ecology TCA, then one exam in May and a Viva, also in May.
week has also bought a rather joyous element. I have a new member of my
flock, a 1 year old female Cockatiel to hopefully pair up with the male
I already own, Monty. The female is called Alina & she is very
pretty, check her out below.
suppose now, whilst I have a bit of free time I'll get back onto my
drawing, I have a new series that I want to do: 'Project Radiate'.
group of drawings all stems from the fact that over the years my
imagination has come up with a vast array of antagonists and
protagonists for a variety of things & I want to catalogue and draw
them all, really allow people to access and get to know/understand these
characters I have spent so many years creating and molding. We shall
see how much I get done on that. I will also get back to writing
Absolute Zero & possibly Renegades as I have not been able to do any
work on either for months! Another thing on my list is learning to
paint on Photoshop, its something I experimented with a few years ago
but never really followed up on, I want to change this. I feel my
drawings need more of a punch, they need to be something more than
pencil drawings, its time to also breath life into the characters. Apart
from that everything is going to be relatively quiet up until the end
of June when i head off to Africa. So yeah, that is everything up to
an added note, one of my friends, who also happens to be my brothers
girlfriend, has started a blog of her very own. Its good to see someone I
know making a transition. As much as I use Tumblr and I do find it
rather amusing, I much prefer this more formal representation. So yeah,
shes set her blog up and you should all keep your eyes peeled and follow
her if you like the idea of a nice lifestyle blog.
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