Thursday 7 May 2015

The Appeal - Why I cast my vote.

2015 UK General Election

Today I cast my vote, legally for the first time in the general election. There are a lot of factors to consider but today my vote rests upon what each party is going to do for our wildlife & environment. If you tear down the fragile human paradigms that will be resolved regardless of who is in charge you are left with an environment that is in the dire straits of existence & it is our environment that truely matters above all else in 2015.

Nature is humanity’s life support system, it underpins our health, wellbeing & the economy in a multitude of ways, yet nature continues to disappear. World wildlife has fallen by half in the last 40 years & here in the UK, right on our doorstep, 1 in 3 species have halved in numbers, 97% of lowland meadow has been lost since the 1930′s, half of all birds that live around arable land = gone. UK fish stocks have plumited 75%. SInce the 1950′s around 29 milllion hedgehogs have disappeared, cuckoo have fallen 72%, turtle dove down 93% since the 1970′s with only 21% of species showing increases. Yet successive governments over the last 40 years have failed to introduce change that matters.

Although the above data only covers 5% of UK species it is a stark warning of the environmental desolation that lies at our feet & that is why my vote will count towards the party who is willing to carry the torch in the name of those that cannot speak for themselves. It is time mankinds selfishness is thrown aside, we are not the only ones that matter, we cannot place ourselves solely above our nature, there must be a compromise. It is our moral and ethical duty to look after it. It is time for natures revival. Look for the party that will support the Nature & Wellbeing Act as well as our captive animals. 
"Dimount, disembark, descend from your existence"

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