Thursday 6 March 2014

University - Endgame *Updated*

Just a wee update today to keep you all in the loop. this is a post that I'll probably keep adding to over the next few weeks.

It most certainly doesn't feel like it has been three years since I started university. After all this time, I can't believe its coming to an end. My last ever assignment was handed in yesterday, leaving me with my dissertation and 2 exams. It has dawned on me today that this really is the endgame. The last few years of work rest solely upon the next 2 months and that is frankly startling. 

My dissertation is due in April 4th so the next few weeks are going to be work, work and more work. This is the single, most important fixed point in my timeline. Everyone at uni says not to worry, don't get too stressed but for me this dissertation means everything, to fail it would be to fail myself. People may think this type of pressure is unhealthy but stress is the only thing that is keeping me ticking over lately. I'm presently tweaking my introduction and finishing off my results (now my stats have finally been given clarity) and then its onto the discussion next week. Its also a worrying prospect knowing that I should start looking at job opportunities, this is it come July I will out in the world with 2 paths in front of me, I follow my dreams no matter how long it takes or I become a slave to the system that entraps so many.

The other big thing is a conference we are going to on the 28th March. 8 of us will be randomly selected to present/ display our dissertation posters (outlining our research) in some sort of competition between unis. It sounds great in terms of networking and getting recognised but on the other hand its a prospect that terrifies me. Just thinking about it unnerves me, I honestly do not know how I'll react if I'm picked. There's so much I want to say about subjects like this but they are things I will never post publicly. All in all, its a pretty weird time, but on the bright side I'm seeing fall out boy next Sunday!


Dissertation is still going well, need to re-tweak my introduction again which is taking forever, but it is the most important part of the whole document in my eyes. If the introduction isn't right the whole study falls flat on its fac, it is the section where i need to capture my audience, it needs to make people care, make them want to read on. All in all its pretty much there, primarily structural issues that need to be sorted. My results are also done, thanks to some very appreciated help of one of the lecturers at uni who helped un-confuse the issue. Good news is that the figures are all right, again its just the structure and layout that needs altering. Its now onto the discussion as well, I can start talking about my results, its time to draw conclusions from my study.

All in all I am happy with the progress being made. I need to buckle down again the rest of this week as I'm losing Sunday due to Fall out Boy! 

This is how it goes

Still working hard. I've returned from Fall out Boy, check out one of my newer posts for that (link). I'm still working on the dissertation, introduction is practically done, and results are looking good now. Onto the discussion. Although its another large section of the project is should be easier now I have an understanding of my results. At the moment I'm still classing it as on track, I'm roughly where I want to be. The majority of this week has been focusing on the poster for my dissertation project, which has been taking longer than I expected. Not only have i got to chop out thousadnds of words that are in my actual project but it all needs rewording as it is actually possible to plagerise ourselves. Never knew that, guess I'll be seeing myself in court...

Update Mk2

Getting so close now, under 2 weeks to get the dissertation done, although I want it done this week so I can actually find some papers to use for my time constrained assignment which is looming before the Easter break. The dissertation is so close to completion, the draft discussion section is done and now it just needs fleshing out; after that its just editing and formatting getting it ready for me to print and hand in. I've also gotten my assignment back on the black-footed ferret and I must say, I am pleased with the result, did a lot better than I thought I would. The only other bit of news is that my dissertation poster has been selected for the animal welfare conference coming up. I'm not presenting it in front of an audience though, my poster will be printed and put up and all I have to do is stand next to it and answer any questions thrown my way by people who fancy my research. Sounds like an alright deal to me!


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