Friday, 3 July 2015

In My World

My attempts at fictional writing is something that I hold very close to me. I have partaken in 'creative writing' from a young age back in high school & one of my English GCSE exams was actually just a memorised except of a very early, naive and amateur version of what I now call 'The Last Garrison'. Over the years I have created a myriad of characters who have continuously evolved as my own writing skills have increased.

Emotionally I have infused the majority of what I have felt over the last four years into creating two worlds of characters and stories that deal with everything from vengeance and inevitability to legacy with notable mentions to the demons we all have inside of us.

However, the truth of it all is that whilst I have created universes in my head I have shared little more than a few drawings to the outside world and only 3 people besides myself have actually been shown my green folder, which holds all the designs and stories I am creating, and even then I have little idea as to what those people thought. I want to share this world with more people, its just that I feel a sense of fear, a fear of failure, one that makes me unconsciously reluctant to share my work. I am just waiting for a moment where I am comfortable with someone who has a genuine interest. I want to tell people all about the stories, I would love people to actually read what I have written and I am dying for some feedback regardless of how good/bad people think it is. 

Currently I have 2 universes that I am writing for. There is no expected finish date & the whole goal is likely to take a few years. 

Sagas of Kuyt

Set in a fantasy universe. Sagas of kuyt consists of 4 main stories. Each one delving into a different part of Kuyt's history.

Absolute Zero

Follow the crew of Captain Luke Young throughout Kuyt as they chase redemption against uncountable odds as an evil who has manipulated history finally enacts a plan, a lifetime in the making. Luke and the crew must fight against an alliance called the Tri-Star, as they threaten war across the whole of Kuyt in search for artifacts thought lost to the world. Although Luke and his crew find absolution harder to find as they come face to face with a cataclysmic mage, known only to the world as The Maniac Messiah.


Lanus D'Arten has been a slave for as long as he can remember, bound in chains and forced to fight for survival under the steel boot of the Faceless King, Lord Caracal. However when Lanus does the impossible and escapes the slaver king's fortress he embarks on a journey across the Western Isles of kuyt to learn the skills necessary to get revenge against his opressor and rescue his wife, who still toils under Caracal's whip. Lanus with the help of a group of exiles and warriors, the fierce Lady Lutra, vengeful Aluco, abused lydia and fellow slave Leontu will re-ignite an old resistance group called the Ursus Front with the help of its castaway leader, Ursus, to fight their way back to the gates of Ferox-Sol, through assassins and a clan of giants led by the merciless Loxodonta the Juggernaut, where the Faceless King awaits. However, they soon realise that this is not a journey for good men, but one to take back what was taken from them.


The sequel to Renegades, follows the members of The Black Market after the battle with the Faceless King. As each member goes to follow their own path they are soon forced to reunite as a new danger appears, the Shepherd of Fire, Ullyses Pan a general from Tulasa who seeks to take back the lands stolen from his people generations ago.The forlorn general attempts to use a weapon of the Gods in order to take back his world leaving Lanus and the Black market at the mercy of a promise made to them many years ago.

The Golden Warrior (Part I &II)

The Golden Warrior was once the most powerful mortal being in Kuyt. A warrior designed to be the best, the protector of Kuyt against any evil that dare disrupt a long era of peace. However, as the legend grows so does the number of disillusioned but none of the disillusioned are as dangerous as Locusta Septim, a warrior determined to prove himself against the Golden Warrior by killing them all as they rise to power, taking a finger as a trophy. This story follows Drake Dervish, the last Golden Warrior, as he falls from grace and once more rises years later as the world suffers under a devastating curse. 

The Last Garrison

The Last Garrison is set in in a near future in the aftermath of a world affected by a rift in space and time caused by long gone inter dimensional beings. It follows the story of Anthony 'Arat' Ono as he returns to the UK to destroy the man who killed his family aand left him for dead as a teenager. However, Arat has a secret to keep under control a demon living within his body, but he must learn to control not only himself but those around him as he becomes embroiled in a civil war in order to take out his target, the Prime Minister Donald Claxton. The civil war is not all that threatens Arat as a covert syndicate called The Broken emerges from the shadows to thwart his efforts in order to fulfil their own purpose, driven by a mutated human, Tyber.

Fear through the Eyes of Madness
Ground Zero
No World for Tomorrow