Hey all, today I thought it appropriate to share one of the things that takes up some of my time. I've set myself a momentous task of writing a novel. It may never get published or see the light of day, but it the the culmination of my entire childhood, my whole imagination, every piece of fantasy I have created has become one complex and twisted story. I felt if i could get it down on paper I will never forget it. The entire saga is entitled Absolute Zero & the story comes together over 6 chapters. I didn't start writing it until recently but I have spent many months creating this fully functional and explored world. So far I'm working on Chapter 1 which is entitled "The Wretched & Divine". I suppose I should include some form of a synopsis so you actually know what it is about.

"Luke Young is dying. He is facing the fate that all mortals must face in life. He has a lot of apologies to make from his life of following orders. This is a cycle he broke out of 4 years ago. He spends his life on the open seas with a close knit crew, helping those who cannot help themselves. However, Luke has been haunted by the same vision ever since his escape. Destruction centers around the existence of 1 human; when he discovers the existence of this impossible women he and his crew are led deep into the plans of an apocalyptic entity, Clarus of Pern."
It may sound like there are some cliches in it, but I am trying to make this a much more personal story. A couple of thoughts in particular inspired me, the theory that bad people can do good things and is it possible to find redemption after a lifetime of unrest. I'll leave the chapter breakdown below along with that of my second saga that takes place within Evermor. It is called Renegades and it is very much in its infancy and secondary to Absolute Zero. Renegades is largely inspired by the story of Spartacus. It is very much in the same vein as Absolute Zero, with the theme of breaking the shackles that bind us, but instead of redemption, it centers on the opposite emotions of revenge and retribution.
Absolute Zero
Prologue: Your Betrayal
Chapter 1: The Wretched and Divine
Chapter 2: The Scipio Gate
Chapter 3: Lonely Road to Absolution
Chapter 4: The Pursuit of Tomorrow
Chapter 5: The Bane at the Core of our Souls
Chapter 6: Powerless
Epilogue: The Aftermath
Prologue: Massacre
Chapter 1: Supremacy
Chapter 2: The Path of Totality
Chapter 3: The Ursus Front
Chapter 4: The Rising Tide
Chapter 5: Vox Populi
Chapter 6: El Ducit Mundum Per Lucem
Epilogue: The Downfall of us All
There is then a third story which started off as a large section of mythology within the Absolute Zero timeline. I feel it is the last large scale tale that is left to be told. It predates Absolute Zero & Renegades in a time where magic played a very large role in Evermor's events & will provide the genesis of the magical tensions that exist in the later stories. It is told over 2 parts as it's quite a long tale.
The Golden Warrior - Descension (Part 1)
Prologue: Decimation
Chapter 1: Dreamweaver
Chapter 2: New Dawn
Chapter 3: Dark Mages
Chapter 4: Welcome to the Family
Chapter 5: In the End
The Golden Warrior - Ascension (Part 2)
Chapter 1: The Last Stand
Chapter 2: The fate of your World
Chapter 3: Alone Together
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Deathbeds
To end this entry I am going to leave a little piece of Absolute Zero's prologue, to see what you all think. I'd be happy to hear any feedback and thoughts. This is a very personal goal that I am determined to finish.
"Last testament of
Lieutenant Luke Young
I’ve been in this hell
hole for weeks now. My last request was for a leather bound book in order to
write my last moments in this life down in the vain hope that the words find
the right ears. I am a lieutenant in the Cydonian Royal army under the command
of General Oric. I am awaiting death by hanging due to a charge of treason;
unlike many of the innocents here in these cells with me awaiting the same
fate, I am overwhelmingly guilty. I have been an instigator of fear and terror
for my whole life. Too many people have suffered at my hands because I have
been ‘following orders’ and ‘doing my job’ or ‘protecting my kingdom’, but in
reality the real villain I should have been fighting is the one inside of me
and every soldier in Cydonia, including the King, the right honourable King
My ledger is dripping
in blood and my act of treason was a bid to free myself from the chains that
bound my mind to my cause. In all honesty to die now is not the freedom I
expected, I have no intention of dying with a soul as rotten as a picked apple
left out in the sun. This will not be my fate, and by the time you dim witted
guards have read this it’ll be too late, I will have finally freed myself and
sent a message. I am not placing a personal vendetta on anyone, but just be
aware that the next time your blade goes to strike someone ‘plagued’ by magic
potential, my sword might just be in the way. To my mother I will say sorry for
tarnishing the name of you and father, seeing as that was so important to you,
and to my once friend Sebastian Oric I will say you were wrong.
I will make peace with
my soul. I’m not a good person, but do not think that means I am incapable of
doing good things.
Lieutenant Luke