Tuesday 12 November 2013

Venture into film, the life goal.

I know to a lot of you out there this post will mean nothing but please give it a read & at least consider the possibility. I've always loved film & have wanted to venture into it for many years so that I can tick off another life goal. My imagination is going crazy & there is the slight possibility that it is driving me mad. Music has been such a massive inspiration & crutch for me in everything that I do & experience. There's no way I would have made it through this year without it. This combined with a pretty artistic imagination has created videos to certain sets of songs in my head. I really want to make them a reality. The only problem is... I don't have a clue where to start or how to get people involved.

I need help in story boarding, production/post production, editing, design & location spotting.
They will require actors or people willing to give it a shot (there are no speaking roles) & plenty of extras.
The editing/ post production section will require someone with knowledge of music editing software & at least basic special effects software & experience to help with post production.
With design I'll need help with costume and make up ideally. I want to keep it as cheap as possible for peace of mind.

I have never done anything like this in my life so i am in real need of advice and council on how to proceed. 
Just imagine the benefits of taking part, the skills that can be put to use!
The videos will be live action with little & basic special effects based on the tools at my disposal.
I'll list the sets of songs which I currently have in mind below. Bit of a sporadic post, but I needed to get it down somewhere.


This trilogy of videos are based around 3 songs by Bring me the Horizon which I think contain an interlinking message, with each song building on the other.
1- Can you feel my Heart
2- Sleepwalking
3- Shadow Moses

"Have you ever felt like the world is getting on top of you? Like no matter what you do or how hard you try, your soul itself breaks, and you are on your own? Sempiternal tells the story of when there is no one to help you up when you fall, the tortured journey one faces in a self made purgatory an the battle to escape that hell when someone finally reaches you." 


This group of videos is based on a collection of songs by Thirty Seconds to Mars. Its a story about war with a fantasy twist.
1- Pyres of Varanasi (Prologue)
2- Kings & Queens
3- Vox Populi
4- This is War
5- 100 Suns (Epilogue)

Below is the poster for Echelon along with a short synopsis.

Peace is a futile dream. Out of oblivion the Varanasi rise. The Kings and Queens of old fall to their might. Humanity lies in disarray, but not empty of hope. Out of the broken civilization the sparks of rebellion light and the Echelon are born. The only way out is the one trail that bought humanity to its knees. War. It is left to the last remaining battle scarred conquistador and his army to drag the Varanasi back through the convergence they appeared from.

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